Patrick and Susan
cordially invite and urge you to attend
a ceremony and celebration to join in marriage
their daughter
Ms. Lorien Eleanora
Mr. Scott Lawrence Fanello
on the lucky
day of September 13
at two o'clock in the afternoon
in the year of our Lord 2003
The wedding and
subsequent party will be held at Orenda,
the third Cabin Camp, in Prince William Forest Park,
in Triangle, Virginia. The events begin at two o'clock p.m.
and will last as long as there is breath in us!
This is a potluck
We will be providing some food and beverages,
but we ask that you bring a special, interesting dish
and beverages to add to the diversity of the event.
We encourage
guests to please consider
celebrating late and making a night of it!
Cabin accommodations are provided for the first sixty people.
Directions are enclosed.