Our Super Cyber Family
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Our Super Cyber Family


Name ............... Suzanne
Screen Name... SunDodger
Date of Birth.... October 2
State................. Kentucky
Family.............. Husband Pat (the love of my life), 2 stepsons Dennis (28) & Darrin (30)
Pets.................. Red Australian Shepherd "Lady" (a stray found by our neighbors at the rock quarry - they asked us to take her when we moved to the lake as they had to keep her penned in town. She loves it here and we love her)! A cat, Sammie and a budgie, Max (also a stray - my Mom caught him in her backyard in Seattle).
Interests......... AMC, our email loop, reading, writing, boating (once we get our pontoon boat), traveling (anytime, almost anywhere), baseball (a forever faithful Seattle Mariner's fan) and I love the outdoors. Am thinking about taking golf lessons one of these days. And, animals - I'd have dozens if I could - every stray would find a good home with me, if only....

Name .............Tracie Szakal
Screen Name... DocTracie2
Date of Birth.... February 21, 1973
State............... Milford, Michigan
Family............ John-Hubby, Hannah-6, Elizabeth-5, Colin-3 and Alexandria-2
Stepson John Jr.-22 and a soon to be born grandson in February 2002
Pets............... Jordan- my black and white cat (think Clintons's Socks) Bella the beagle
Interests........Pilates, dance, write poetry and stories, singing, natural health
remedies, reading, especially self help books and I love to cook and bake

Name .............Amanda Elizabeth S.
Screen Name..avabeth_26@hotmail.com
Date of Birth....1/29/75
Family............Two parents, a brother, etc ;-)
Pets...............two cats, Oscar and Emmy the Wonder Kitties
Interests........Reading, writing, film, TV, vegetarianism, causing trouble, whining, bitching, and moaning about the NYC subway system, bowling (badly)

Name ..Liz.............
Screen Name...Lfraboni
Date of Birth....5/20/59
State..Belem, Brazil...............
Family...husband Bob, Max 3 1/2, Wells 1yr............
Pets..SOB!!! We just took Ollie, our dog, down to the Humane Society this morning. Max wouldn't stop torturing him & Ollie bit him again last nite. He was a 7yr white Husky/Lab mix & would smile at me everytime I came thru the door. I am in tears again....(note: you will probably want to change this in a while 11/16/01).............
Interests...gardening, reading, travel, crafts......


Name ............... Charlie Cassar
Screen Name... Exped4x4
Date of Birth....6-11-1965
Family..............Mom (Dad passed away in '96) 2 Brothers and a Sister
Interests.........Football and Hockey


Name ............. Sherry
Screen Name.. SSTrend
Date of Birth.... 2/13/57
State............... Alabama
Family............ Husband Mike, son Chris (27) son Michael (9) grandchildren, Courtney (11) Erik (10) and Wade (6)
Pets............... 2 dogs 3 cats 1 bird (African gray) and 9 fish
Interests......... I'm a hairstylist-salon owner and I love my work. I enjoy playing on the computer and learning new things especially with the picture programs. Reading when I have the time.

Name .............Laurie
Screen Name...LaSamp
Date of Birth....12-30-55
State..............born and raised here in the Seattle area of WA
Family............no husband, 2 daughters, Erin 20 and Kerrie 17
Pets...............Snickers, a long haired pastel calico cat
Interests.........I love to read, garden, and watch All My Children - of course! I attend live theatre, love traveling, the beach and am learning to speak Norwegian. I'm also into geneology, playing games and decorating my house.

Name ............Michele
Screen Name..KniXFAN24
Date of Birth....Nov 24
Family............sons Rob and Jordan
Interests.........Chief of the Fashion Police (LOL), more later

Name .............Trish
Screen Name...DWT PET
Date of Birth....17 Aug 62
State...............GA- soon MD
Family............hubby Wayne
Pets............... 3 cats - Sarah, Miranda, and Simon
Interests.........Gardening, running, fine art, guns, working out, news junkie, SCUBA diving, traveling


Name.... .Adriana, but everyone calls me Audrey
Screen Name...Tulip10240@aol.com
Date of Birth....June 9 a long time ago!
State........Oregon for the last 6 years, but I lived in So. California for over 30. Was
born and raised in the Netherlands.
Family........Husband Dick, 3daughters, all in California and lots of grandkids.
Pets......Squeeky, our kitty, who rules our home
Interests.....My volunteer Hospice work, church, family (especially grandkids), friends, gardening (except weeding!), music, reading, e-mailing and surfing the Internet, garagesaleing and eating, not necessarily in that order!

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