Welcome to
Trusty's Little Corner of Cyberspace

Here is where I hope to
entertain and enlighten you
with a few glimpes into the things that make me happy!

(I took all my AOL pages and transferred them to this one page!)

Is everybody happy??
Is everybody happy??

Please send me email!!
..email link..

Party Till
the Cows Come Home!!


  My Favorites

R&R Hall Of Fame inductee 1999

R&R Hall Of Fame inductee 1999
The Beatles
Paul McCartney
All My Children
Scoops and Spoilers
Sons of the Desert
David Lanz
Paul Speer
Terry Brooks
Jack L. Chalker
Kathleen Kirkwood
Anita Gordon

Clay's Foundation:
Bubel/Aiken Foundation

Carol Burnett

All My Children's #1 Fan
All My Children's #1 Fan

Here are some of my favorite places online:

this section is being reworked :-)
East Coast Evil Posters Club

East Coast Evil Posters Club Charter Members
Our Club was conceived.......... when some of us met on an "All My Children" message board. A couple of us met in real life - and then decided to have another meeting and invite as many from our little group on the board as could make it.


Our First "Mini-Convention" was held....... At TGI Friday's and continued on to a bowling alley for some "karaoke." Unfortunately, the bowling alley closed down and we were forced to wait in the parking lot for a ride back to Friday's. While we waited, we kept the beer warm by sitting on it and cleverly disguised from the many cops who patroled thru the parking lot!
We Meet Again......... We have had many meetings since that night - the picture is of us having lunch the next day - and trying to get rid of our hangovers. Someday - we may try to meet all in one place again!! Watch!! The ECEPC may be coming to a town near you!

The ECEPC was the forerunner to the P&T Traveling Show, in which two charter member become best friends and bring the ECEPC/P&TTS to you!!

"The P&T Traveling Show"

is a name one of our cyberbuddies made up for my best friend and me. We have been traveling all over the country (well, mainly the East and Mid-West) meeting all our cyberbuddies and taking in a few Sons of the Desert concerts.

Here are some pix that were taken along the way!

P&T Live and IN COLOR
P&T Live and IN COLOR

P&T Traveling Show

Some Special Buds

We Love Lunch!
We Love Lunch!
He Tall ~ We Short!
He Tall ~ We Short!
Sal & the Crowbar (film at 11)
Sal & the Crowbar (film at 11)
We arrive in STYLE!
We arrive in STYLE!
Crazy Church Ladies
Crazy Church Ladies
We're as happy as clams!!
We're as happy as clams!!
Here are some of our Family pix - mostly from "The Archives"
'Spike'  (Trusty)
'Spike' (Trusty)
The Old Folks at Home - Mama, Dot, Amy, Mike, Edith, Pop - circa 1940
The Old Folks at Home - Mama, Dot, Amy, Mike, Edith, Pop - circa 1940
Sun Cuz'es - Trusty  on the left - the sun-burned one!
Sun Cuz'es - Trusty on the left - the sun-burned one!

More scintillating pictures

from the family archives

Blossom Hill - 1969
Blossom Hill - 1969
Daddy in WWI uniform
Daddy in Military School Uniform
Spike, Pipsqueak, Wunk and Don the dog
Spike, Pipsqueak, Wunk and Don the dog

Expert Trusty's Seminar

This started as a joke by one of my online buddies, Knix. Somehow everyone started asking me how to do things online, and miracle of miracles, I usually knew the answers!

Questions you may want to ask:

How to publish a page like this
How to read message boards offline
how to handle zip files
how to locate and safely delete files, such as temporary internet files
A couple of years ago - I signed on to AOL a complete newbie. I didn't know very much about the "Internet Experience" tho I had owned a computer for about 10 years. What you see here is the culmination of my gathered knowledge and experiences. Email me at Trustyred@aol.com to ask any questions about AOL or Windows. I'll try to answer them!


The Acer Group
Welcome to Dr Solomon's On-Line
Dragon Systems, Inc.
True Type Resource -Fonts-

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